K-12 Education Programs
K-12 Education Programs
K-12 Education

Visit the PSFC

Schools can visit the PSFC for the day to get a taste of what plasma and fusion research really looks like.

School Outreach Days

Twice a year the PSFC reaches out to High Schools (December) and Middle Schools (April) around Massachusetts, inviting one teacher and their students from each school to a spend a day at the Center. Through tours, talks and demonstrations, attendees learn about plasmas, their behavior, and their role in harnessing fusion energy. Students will have the opportunity to see how plasmas are confined, to perform hands-on demonstrations with electromagnetism, and to review the progress of MIT’s plasma experiments, including the Alcator C-MOD tokamak. Please email the PSFC for questions. Our next outreach day will be for high school teachers and students, and take place on December 5, 2024 from 9:00-1:00.

School Year 24/25 dates:

December 5, 2024- High School Outreach Day (Registration Closed)

April 17, 2025- Middle School Outreach Day

Next Outreach Day

The next available outreach day is for high schools. RSVP for this event here.

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