A welcome new pipeline for students invested in clean energy
A welcome new pipeline fo...
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A welcome new pipeline for students invested in clean energy

Maximillian Major

Enrique Zapata Cornejo

Liangjun Shao

Minuk Jung

Rian Chandra

Nitzan Saadon

Jintao Hu

Elizabeth Bliss

Timothy Heidcamp

James Dark

Rishab Datta; a black and white photo of a young man with dark hair, smiling and wearing a suit

Rishab Datta

Ifeoma A Ijeli

Denisse Cordova Carrizales

Tuomas Sebastian Ralph Laakkonen

Alec Damsell

Leo Murphy

A young brown man stares seriously

Abhishek Saraswat

A young Asian man with wire-framed glasses and a big smile wears a navy suit and red tie

Xavior Wang

A young Asian girl smiles at the camera

Jiyun Han

Ricardo Antonio De Levante Rodriguez

Xinyan Wang

Emily Edwards

Leon Nichols

Angus Wylie

Portrait photo

David Cohen-Tanugi

Steven Thomas

David J. Arsenault

A middle-aged Korean man with medium length black hair and large round glasses gives a small smile

Seung Gyou Baek

Jan-Peter Bähner

Sean Ballinger

Juan Bascunan

William Beck

Lee Berkowitz

Rachel Bielajew

Leslie Bromberg

Carl Bunge

William M. Burke, Jr.

Mirela Cengher

A young white woman with long curly brown hair and a star wars button down gives a friendly smile

Sarah Chamberlain

Zhiwei Chang

Peng Chen

Andre Chouinard

A middle-aged white man with rectangular glasses and close-cropped dark hair smiles mildly

Cesar Clauser

Remi Delaporte-Mathurin

Peter Do

Ernie Doeg

Fangliang Dong

Jeff Doody

Portrait photo

Bamidele Ebiwonjumi

Darin Ernst

Jose Estrada

A young white woman with medium-length dark hair and a teal necklace smiles broadly

Sara Ferry

David Fischer

Ivan Garcia

Raul Gerru Miguelanez

An older white man with dark hair and a dark beard looks serious

Theodore Golfinopoulos

Malcolm Gould

Robert Granetz

Daniel Hachmeister Ferreira Da Costa

Soren Hansen

Aaron Ho

Yasen Hou

Nathan Howard

An older white woman with short white hair and frame-less glasses smiles broadly

Amanda Hubbard

Josep Ingla Aynes

James Irby

Portrait photo of Alexey Kaplan

Alexey Kaplan

Elizabeth Kowalski

A young brown man with medium-length dark hair smiles shyly while crossing his arms

Arunav Kumar

Stephen Lane-Walsh

Rick Leccacorvi

Yijun Lin

Mark R. London

Alessandro Marinoni

Rebecca Masline

Philip C. Michael

A young white woman with long straight brown hair smiles

Christina Migliore

Theo Mouratidis

A young white man with medium-lenght light brown hair and bright blue eyes smiles mildly while crossing his arms

Marco Muraca

Rick Murray

Paola Muscente

Filipe Novais

A younger white man with full dark hair and a beard smiles

Enrico Panontin

A middle-aged Asian man with short dark hair and a sage green 1/4 zip smiles mildly

Dongkeun Park

A younger white man with sandy hair and a short sandy beard, wearing a red and navy plaid button down.

Ethan Peterson

Samuel Pierson

Abhay K. Ram

Cristina Rea

A young white man with coiffed dark hair and glasses gives a slight smile

James Ridzon

Gabriel Rigon

A young a white man with dark coiffed hair and glasses gives a broad, friendly smile

Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez

Jon Christian Rost

Michael Rowell

Ian Rudnick

Fernando Santoro

Alex Saperstein

Brandon Savage

Stefano Segantin

Fredrick Séguin

1 min read
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Maximillian Major

Enrique Zapata Cornejo

Liangjun Shao

Minuk Jung

Rian Chandra

Nitzan Saadon

Jintao Hu

Elizabeth Bliss

Timothy Heidcamp

James Dark

Rishab Datta; a black and white photo of a young man with dark hair, smiling and wearing a suit

Rishab Datta

Ifeoma A Ijeli

Denisse Cordova Carrizales

Tuomas Sebastian Ralph Laakkonen

Alec Damsell

Leo Murphy

A young brown man stares seriously

Abhishek Saraswat

A young Asian man with wire-framed glasses and a big smile wears a navy suit and red tie

Xavior Wang

A young Asian girl smiles at the camera

Jiyun Han

Ricardo Antonio De Levante Rodriguez

Xinyan Wang

Emily Edwards

Leon Nichols

Angus Wylie

Portrait photo

David Cohen-Tanugi

Steven Thomas

David J. Arsenault

A middle-aged Korean man with medium length black hair and large round glasses gives a small smile

Seung Gyou Baek

Jan-Peter Bähner

Sean Ballinger

Juan Bascunan

William Beck

Lee Berkowitz

Rachel Bielajew

Leslie Bromberg

Carl Bunge

William M. Burke, Jr.

Mirela Cengher

A young white woman with long curly brown hair and a star wars button down gives a friendly smile

Sarah Chamberlain

Zhiwei Chang

Peng Chen

Andre Chouinard

A middle-aged white man with rectangular glasses and close-cropped dark hair smiles mildly

Cesar Clauser

Remi Delaporte-Mathurin

Peter Do

Ernie Doeg

Fangliang Dong

Jeff Doody

Portrait photo

Bamidele Ebiwonjumi

Darin Ernst

Jose Estrada

A young white woman with medium-length dark hair and a teal necklace smiles broadly

Sara Ferry

David Fischer

Ivan Garcia

Raul Gerru Miguelanez

An older white man with dark hair and a dark beard looks serious

Theodore Golfinopoulos

Malcolm Gould

Robert Granetz

Daniel Hachmeister Ferreira Da Costa

Soren Hansen

Aaron Ho

Yasen Hou

Nathan Howard

An older white woman with short white hair and frame-less glasses smiles broadly

Amanda Hubbard

Josep Ingla Aynes

James Irby

Portrait photo of Alexey Kaplan

Alexey Kaplan

Elizabeth Kowalski

A young brown man with medium-length dark hair smiles shyly while crossing his arms

Arunav Kumar

Stephen Lane-Walsh

Rick Leccacorvi

Yijun Lin

Mark R. London

Alessandro Marinoni

Rebecca Masline

Philip C. Michael

A young white woman with long straight brown hair smiles

Christina Migliore

Theo Mouratidis

A young white man with medium-lenght light brown hair and bright blue eyes smiles mildly while crossing his arms

Marco Muraca

Rick Murray

Paola Muscente

Filipe Novais

A younger white man with full dark hair and a beard smiles

Enrico Panontin

A middle-aged Asian man with short dark hair and a sage green 1/4 zip smiles mildly

Dongkeun Park

A younger white man with sandy hair and a short sandy beard, wearing a red and navy plaid button down.

Ethan Peterson

Samuel Pierson

Abhay K. Ram

Cristina Rea

A young white man with coiffed dark hair and glasses gives a slight smile

James Ridzon

Gabriel Rigon

A young a white man with dark coiffed hair and glasses gives a broad, friendly smile

Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez

Jon Christian Rost

Michael Rowell

Ian Rudnick

Fernando Santoro

Alex Saperstein

Brandon Savage

Stefano Segantin

Fredrick Séguin