Are you an MIT undergraduate? Explore exciting opportunities to experiment (literally) with plasma physics and fusion science.
UROP pay is managed through the central UROP office. To know more details about payment, please see their website for the most up-to-date information.
Find answers to common questions about our Undergraduate Research Opportunity Programs.
UROPs are only available to MIT and Wellesley College undergraduates. Our apologies. In the future, we hope to be able to offer more opportunities to students at other institutes.
Nope. Don’t do that. You should apply through the central UROP office. They’ll do a preliminary review of your application and then it will be sent to the PSFC. If you have questions about the UROP itself, you can email the supervisor, but do not send them application materials.
Both UROPs and FUSars are research opportunities for MIT undergraduates. UROPs are offered through MIT’s UROP office while FUSars is administered entirely through the PSFC. There is a dedicated application process to become a FUSsar, and a limited number of spots are available each year. FUSars commit to two semesters with at least 10 hours in the lab, and they take an additional pass/fail class; they are also paid at twice the rate of a UROP (if the FUSar is in good standing) and receive an additional stipend for professional development. UROPs are more flexible in terms of time commitment, both hours and duration, and there are typically more UROP opportunities available.